capellini with portobello mushroom steaks


two portobello mushrooms - $2.50

1/3 box capellini or other pasta - $0.40

1/2 onion - $0.10

1/2 jar marinara sauce - $1.00

(optional) vegan parmesan

total cost - $6.12


1/2 cup red wine - $0.60

1/4 cup soy sauce - $0.50

2 tbsp oil - $0.07

2 lemons - $0.80

1 tbsp mustard - $0.15

cumin (to taste) 

black pepper (to taste) 

garlic salt (to taste)


combine marinade ingredients in a bowl and mix. soak sliced mushrooms in marinade for about 20 minutes. 

cook noods. saute some onions in a bit of oil, add pasta sauce. 

cook mushrooms over the stove in a bit of oil until browned and juicy. top noods with sauce and shrooms and vegan parmesan, if desired.


