Your parents didn’t grow up with the internet*

Just 20 years ago, very few people across the globe had true internet access. Computers had been around for awhile, but we couldn’t imagine same-day delivery or a touchscreen display.


The internet has changed the way humans are able to live and interact with each other. There are more opportunities than ever for us to connect and be productive toward our goals. This has resulted in rapid innovative acceleration and a diverse array of feasible living situations.

Think about the times when you’ve brainstormed ideas in a group to accomplish a common goal. The rate at which we’re able to share and collaborate with each other has become the equivalent of having an increasingly expanding mega-brainstorm just below our waists.

For this reason, it has become increasingly difficult to predict which paths may warrant failure or success.

Recognize that the conception of what a successful life meant to the generation before us was shaped by the things that they understood about the world they grew up in and adapted to. The majority of things that humans spend time paying attention to on a daily basis today couldn’t be conceived 30 years ago. Unfortunately, the world changes too quickly for any one person to keep up with the variety of ways it expands. On the same hand, however, this also presents huge opportunities for those willing to pave new paths and lead the way in our growing digital world. The payouts are the biggest human history has ever seen, pushing the limits of philosophies, science, entertainment, fulfillment, and unsurprisingly, capital as well.


*even if they did acquire access at some point, the relationship they maintain with it is very different from your experience and style of interaction with it.
