L's and W's

Hate to pay homage to another old white dude *habits created from 15 years of indoctrination*, but i couldn’t resist the relevance i felt when i found this..


"I have not failed 700 times. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work."


---TJ on inventing the light bulb.


It’s much easier to believe that there is a singular right and wrong way to go about doing something. Grouping experiences into classifications we can understand may be useful for learning, but if you’ve read anything else i’ve written, you probably know by now how i feel about the perspectives we form with the memories we create. Our world has implemented a model of wins and losses to evaluate performance and draw attention to the pros and cons of a currently held perspective. It’s helpful to use, though it isn’t the only way.


I’ve been fortunate to take many W’s and endure a ton of L’s. Though overall less desirable, L’s seem to have a lasting effect. For this reason, I’ve grown to understand my L’s to represent “learnings”. The L’s are responsible for many of the W’s I get to enjoy and push me toward what I would otherwise consider to be inconceivable victories. With perspective, I shape the world to the dimensions that fit my own stride.

There are no losses in my life because there’s something to gain from every experience.


Like the law of conservation of energy, there’s no loss in a closed system. Only a transfer of energy(knowledge/experience) in a given situation.


